March 29th, 2008

This is seriously one of the most impressive collection of modern art I’ve ever seen. Picasso, Dali, Martisse, De Chierico, Van Gogh, Chagall, Kandinsky, Cezanne, Warhol… really amazing. Plus it is in the City which is always a nice place to visit…

Welcome to the MoMA!

Paul Cezanne  @ MOMA NYC Marc Chagall @ MOMA NYC Dali @ MOMA NYC

On the T

March 28th, 2008

Traveling on the T

Yes, I work on the T, why not?

Remembering (waiting for?) summer

February 26th, 2008
Paolo Ciccarese in Castle Island Paolo Ciccarese in Castle Island
Paolo Ciccarese in Castle Island Paolo Ciccarese in Castle Island

Downtown Boston

February 24th, 2008

Life is made of many variables. The only constant is you.
- Paolo

The snow can easily disguise the city’s imperfections
the snow can easily mask the city’s silent cries
- Sheede

Sunday morning thoughts…

February 3rd, 2008

It is almost a couple of months I moved to Boston. The winter is not that cold as it probably should be. Snow is already gone and sometimes it is raining. I think about Italy that is anyway wormer, about some friends that are there. Sometimes I feel the need to go to north end (the Italian neighborhood) for some pastries and a espresso that looks more Italian than the ones you can have around. I’ve never been a coffee guy but I guess everything that makes you feel at home is good. Oh, my workmate Marco surprisingly makes a really good Cappuccino right at home… a good way to start the work day. But I started also to appreciate other things that I was not usually eating in Italy (pancakes!!!!!). Ok, time to start the day… happy Superbowl!

Interesting experience

January 17th, 2008
Mouse embryo
Thanks to Sheede, today I’ve been watching a mouse embryo dissection. It is incredible to see the anatomy: heart, lungs, kidneys, intestine, mouth… Everything looked so small to me, but she has been able, through the help of the microscope, to detect and isolate the organs in a few seconds. She said is a matter of exercise (I think it is also a matter of skills… a bit like surgeons). Only after isolating the different parts, it was really possible for me recognizing them. Wish I had the chance to take some pictures to post here.And then comes another interesting topic, growing the single organs… hopefully, one day, I will see that too.

Simply amazing.

Leaving Las Vegas… oops Boston.

October 26th, 2007

Here we go, going back to Europe once again. I left Boston with 26 degrees and I landed in Paris with 2 degrees Celsius. Luckily, in Milan it was a bit better 16. I left Boston in one of the best moments of the year… the Fall, with its beautiful colors.

Boston Common

Boston Common

Some old London pics…

October 24th, 2007

London is still one of my favorite city in the world… here are some pics I took in the past years.

Trafalgar Square

Las Vegas [3] - Downtown

October 23rd, 2007

Who remembers old movies about Vegas wouldn’t probably recognize it from the previous posts (unless your movie is Ocean’s Eleven). In fact, the last day in Vegas I visites the old strip. The old strip is exactly what I was remembering from the movies, compact, full of lights, unique. The atmosphere was great.

Fremont Street - Las Vegas Fremont Street - Las Vegas Fremont Street - Las Vegas Fremont Street - Las Vegas

Fremont Street - Las Vegas (click to enlarge)

And to make it attractive an interesting roof/screen has been built. The screen is the biggest screen on earth and is playing a show every hour. Check out the pictures to have an idea… but you know, live is completely another thing.

Fremont Street - Las Vegas Fremont Street - Las Vegas Fremont Street - Las Vegas

As I always say… before judging a place, visit it. In Vegas there are nice things and bad things… check it out!

Las Vegas [2]

October 19th, 2007

Another interesting Casino in Vegas is “The Venetian”. As you can imagine it has been inspired by Venice. I have been to the real Venice many times and a copy of it is just a bit weird at first. However I have to say that the atmosphere in this Casino is not bad at all. The ceiling (as you can see in the third pic) is kind of cool too. And think about it, the guys/girls driving the Gondolas are singing Italian song like “O sole mio”.

The Venitian The Venitian The Venitian

The Venetian Casino - Las Vegas (Click to enlarge)

As I have been to the real Venice recently, I wanted to compare the “Palazzo Ducale” in Vegas with the one in Venice. Take a look of the following pictures. They did a great job.

Palazzo Ducale at The Venitian Palazzo Ducale in Venice
Vegas Venice

Have a look of the “Rialto Bridge”… water makes a big difference in here…

Rialto Bridge at The Venitian Ponte di Rialto in Venice
Vegas Venice

Greetings from Rome

June 28th, 2007
Rome Il Vittoriano Trevi Fountain Rome


June 17th, 2007

A center of medieval European trade and finance, the city is often considered the birthplace of the Italian Renaissance.

Florence Florence Dome Inside Florence Cathedral

Shoots from Murano where they produce the famous glass

June 10th, 2007

Murano is an interesting and cute island really close to Venice. If you are lucky you can watch while the masters are creating glass objects. It’s amazing!

Murano Murano glass Murano

Venice is unique

June 6th, 2007

After a long time (maybe 10 years?) I had the chance to visit Venice again. I had to speak in a meeting and the location was the hospital “SS Giovanni e Paolo”. Believe me, Venice is so special that even the hospital can leave you breathless (picture on the left). And no cars around only boats… relaxing…
Unfortunately the weather was not that good for taking pictures…

Hospital in Venice Venice palace Venice

Greetings from Greece

May 2nd, 2007

From Athens and cape Soniou:

Parthenon Change of the guard Temple
Sunset Me Temple

It’s kind of cold today…

February 5th, 2007

… you know that days you go out in the morning and the face becames immediatly painful and almost every breath is a bit painful too. Do you know what I am talking about?. And when the wind blows in the face ehm. It’s only -13° with some wind (one week ago it was -14° or 15°). Maybe it is normal for friends living here or in north Europe. But for me… damn… it’s coooold.

Boston Seasons

February 3rd, 2007

Click to enlarge.

Boston in summer Boston summer night Boston in april
Boston in winter Boston in winter Boston in winter