Boston winter

January 23rd, 2007

I landed in Boston yesterday afternoon. Today I had many meetings. At 8pm, at the end of the Semantic Web meeting at Stata, I went out and…. surprise… snow!!!

Boston winter

Yeah, this is the same old picture… but, as you can see the water is frozen and the snow covered the ice.

Washington DC

November 23rd, 2006

Washington DC is an interesting city. The first impact was with Union Station that is a bit old and messy… but starting from the underground (or Metro as it is called there) the things change. The Metro is really well organized and well mantained. The city is in general really clean with a lot of impressive buildings (most of them are governative/administrative). The mall is a big green area sorrounded by incredible museums (all for free). The majority of them are grouped in the world’s largests museums complex called “Smithsonians“.

The Mall The White House The Lincoln Memorial

But the thing I noticed is that there are only a few people around… it is a sort of beautiful empty city.

Times Square

November 19th, 2006

Times square in New York is one of those places you cannot imagine until you visit it. It is something in between reality and fantasy. I took some pics in there and I put “Lights and Ghosts” as title of the album… Pictures seem unreal, I would say they look like drawings.

Times Square Times Square Times Square

October in Boston

November 2nd, 2006

And October is over… here another bunch of pictures of this month. Enjoy!.

Charles Street Boston Common Reflections Boston by night

MIT Stata Center

November 1st, 2006

The Stata Center is one of the most interesting building at the MIT (Massachusetts iInstitute of Technology). It is one of my favourite places to work too. The building is home to the Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL) and of World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). And there are some other new cool buildings around (The evolving MIT campus).

Stata Center Stata Center Stata Center Stata Center

Autumn in Boston /2

October 30th, 2006

Another small shooting session with David… going to the mall for lunch.

Whish you where here Car wheel On sale

Autumn in Boston

October 29th, 2006

Some shots I took coming back from a meeting… it was some days ago.

Autumn in Boston Autun in Boston Autumn in Boston

Sky in New England

October 23rd, 2006

I am living in Boston since one month and one week. Temperature is getting colder in the latest days, but the sky is always awesome. The weather is always changing fast giving the sky amazing colors. Mark Twain once said something like: If you don’t like the weather in New England wait a minute and it will change.

Boston CHarles River Boston by Night Boston Sky from Charlestown

Tallinn, the capital of Estonia

August 31st, 2006

Tallinn is the capital of Estonia. It is situated by the Gulf of Finland, on the opposite sea-side of Helsinki, the capital of Finland. Tallinn is the biggest city in Estonia and it counts around half a million inhabitants (Estonia’s total population is much less than 2 millions).

Tallinn was first referred to in chronicles in 1154. In the Middle Ages it was an important trade centre. If you want to read more about Tallinn’s history I suggest you wikipedia.

Keep in mind that Tallinn is one of the best conserved Middle Ages cities in all Europe [tallinn tourism website]. Nowadays, you can still feel the taste of old middle-ages walking in the Tallinn’s Old Town belonging to UNESCO’s World Heritage List. Inside the amazing city walls, you can admire incredibly well conseverd examples of middle ages architecture as well as a huge quantity of really fascinating cafes, restaurants and shops.

Tallinn Old Town - Town Hall Tallinn Old Town - Town Hall Square Tallinn Old Town - Town Hall Square Tallinn Old Town - Town Hall Square
Some pics of the Tallinn’s Old Town Town Hall Square (click to enlarge)

Probably, the most known middle ages example is represented by the core of the Old Town, the Town Hall which is dominating the impressive Town Hall square. The first time I saw it it was around midnight at the beginning of December… nobody was around and it was quite cold and snowing but still… amazing… an incredible view still clear in my mind. In summer time, the Town Hall Square is really alive with restaurants and cafes always full of people.

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